2025 City of Estevan Proposed Budget: Insights from the Estevan Chamber of Commerce
With the introduction of the proposed 2025 City of Estevan Budget and request for feedback, the Estevan Chamber of Commerce conducted a brief survey of its members and businesses to provide input.
The survey was intended for business owners or executive level employees (e.g. managers, Executive Directors, etc.) residing in the City of Estevan. The insights were forwarded to the City of Estevan on February 13, 2025.
The survey was hosted online from January 27th, 2025 to February 7th, 2025. Members were contacted through direct email; as well as through our social media channels. Our emails and posts included a link to the proposed budget as well as a link to the survey. There were 7 direct questions in the survey about the proposed budget. The Executive Director also spoke to the Board of Directors, and several business owners in person about the proposed budget.
The survey had 32 survey starts with 7 submissions. This is a completion rate of 22%. The Estevan Chamber of Commerce acknowledges that this is a small sample of the greater business community and our membership. Findings may not represent the larger business community, and there is an increased margin of error. However, the comments were detailed and trends were found in the data, indicating that there are trends to be noted and considered. The Estevan Chamber of Commerce will continue to grow this survey and work on engaging with members when future City of Estevan proposed budgets are released.
Overall, the trend of results was in favour of the proposed budget; with a majority of respondents satisfied or very satisfied with the proposed budget. The debt repayment and infrastructure investments were seen as favourable. There were concerns about insufficient funding for certain areas, and some concern for the proposed 2% property tax increase.